Assisted Reproduction

Microfluidic sperm sorting chip

Sperm selection with the microfluidic sperm selection chip (MFSS chip) is a gentle way to pick high-quality sperm for artificial insemination later on. The MFSS chip, ZYMOT or FERTILE Plus, doesn't use chemicals and is very gentle.

Gently and without chemicals: a modern alternative for sperm selection

Sperm selection with the microfluidic sperm selection chip (MFSS chip) is a gentle way to pick high-quality sperm for artificial insemination later on. The MFSS chip, ZYMOT or FERTILE Plus, doesn't use chemicals and is very gentle. It works like a tiny chamber that mimics the female reproductive system. Chosen sperm are better in shape, genes, health, and movement compared to the original sample.

This method is a gentle alternative to the usual sperm processing. It doesn't need any special treatment before, which can stress out the sperm.

The prepared sperm can then be used for fertilising eggs using ICSI.

Keep in mind, though, that this chip can't be used if there aren't enough active sperm in the sample. And it's not suitable for sperm collected by TESE or severe cases of poor sperm quality.

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Assisted Reproduction

ISCARE klinika, Praha
ISCARE klinika, Praha
ISCARE klinika, Praha