Ethics Committee
The Ethics Committee is an independent body made up of health professionals and non-medical professionals. The Ethics Committee meets once a month and its composition and working procedures can be found below.
The Ethics Committee of ISCARE clinic
The Ethics Committee (hereinafter referred to as the EC) is an independent body made up of health professionals and non-medically trained persons. The Ethics Committee meets once a month and its composition and working procedures can be found below.
- Statement of the Ethics Committee (pdf)
- Statute of the Ethics Committee (pdf)
- Working procedures of the Ethics CommitteePracovní postupy etické komise (pdf)
Composition of the Ethics Committee
- MUDr. Václava Vodičková, Anesthesiologist. Chairwoman of the EC, ISCARE medical facility
- Prof. MUDr. Vladimír Teplan, DrSc, Physician, ISCARE medical facility
- Ing. Martina Veselá, Assistant, ISCARE medical facility (without medical education)
- prof. MUDr. Milan Lukáš, CSc., Physician, ISCARE medical facility
- Martina Pfeiferová, PhDr., Librarian, ISCARE medical facility (no medical degree)
- MUDr. Martin Horák, Physician, other medical facility
- MUDr. Daniel Struppl, Ph.D., MBA, Physician, ISCARE medical facility
Price lists for study sponsors
Effective January 1, 2009, the management of ISCARE a.s. has established a price list for study sponsors.
- The price for the sponsor for the preparation and review of a new study by the ethics committee is set at 1 750 €.
- The price for the sponsor for the preparation and discussion of an addendum to the study by the Ethics Committee is set at 1 250 €.
- The cost to the sponsor for the preparation and discussion of an addendum (formal changes only) to the study by the Ethics Committee is set at 600 €.
If you have any questions about the Ethics Committee, please do not hesitate to contact us:
Ing. Martina Veselá
E: ekiscare@seznam.cz
M: +420 604 955 734
A: ISCARE, a.s., Českomoravská 2510/19, 190 00 Prague 9