Whistleblower protection
Under the requirements of the Whistleblower Protection Act, all private companies in the Czech Republic over 50 employees are required to establish an independent and secure internal whistleblowing system. This protects the identity of the whistleblower and prevents retaliation.
How to proceed with the notification
On the basis of Act No. 171/2023 Coll., on the protection of whistleblowers, effective as of 1 August 2023, which was issued in connection with Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2019, on the protection of persons who report infringements of Union law, ISCARE a.s. as an obliged entity was obliged to designate a competent person and to establish a procedure for reporting. The procedure is part of the internal documentation of ISCARE a.s.
Internal whistleblowing system
The persons entitled to submit notifications are:
Employees, members of bodies, volunteers, interns or trainees performing work or similar activities for ISCARE a.s.
The Director General has been designated as the investigating officer at ISCARE.
Notification can be made to:
- in writing to the e-mail address whistleblowing@iscare.cz,
- in writing, by sending it by post to the address of ISCARE a.s.; the envelope must be visibly and legibly marked "NOTICE - TO THE INVESTIGATOR'S HANDS ONLY" "DO NOT OPEN", by telephone at +420 234 770 270, at the request of an authorised person addressed to the investigator in person.
Notification can be made:
- in writing to whistleblowing@iscare.cz,
- in writing, by sending it by post to the address of ISCARE a.s.; the envelope must be visibly and legibly marked "NOTICE - ONLY AT THE HANDS OF THE INVESTIGATOR" "DO NOT OPEN", by telephone at +420 234 770 270, at the request of an authorised person addressed to the investigator in person.
Time limits for handling notifications:
- A personal meeting between the whistleblower and the investigator will take place within 14 days.
- If the report has not been made in person at the meeting with the investigator or by telephone, the investigator shall notify the reporting party in writing within 7 days of receipt of the report.
- If the notification was made in writing or by telephone, the investigator shall examine the validity of the notification within 30 days. Within the same period, the investigator shall inform the notifier of the outcome of the investigation. The time limit may be extended up to two times in complex cases, each time for a maximum of 30 days. The notifier shall be informed of this extension before the expiry of the current time limit.
The notification must include:
- the name and date of birth of the whistleblower and, where applicable, other information that can be used to identify the whistleblower, such as work e-mail if not shared with other staff members.
- The notification must not contain information the disclosure of which would constitute a breach of medical confidentiality.
External notification system
External notification system of the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic.